Mon/Fri | 9am to 5pm


07769 924 885


Add personailty and professionalism to your site

What is a favicon?

Favicons are small square images usually 16×16 pixels which are used by web browsers to show a graphical representation of the site being visited at the left side of the browser’s address bar. You have probably seen many favicons before, even if you don’t know what they are. 

Why do I need one?

In one word….. CONFIDENCE…. For those sites who have a favicon, you may not even notice it, but if you do not have one it can start to breakdown confidence in your website visitor. 

The absence of a favicon is like a beacon of mistrust, and says to me at least, if they have not bothered to add this icon, what else would they miss if I decided to do business with them. It’s a detail thing, and like your email address, its a really easy fix, that you can do yourself.

What do they look like?

Missing Favicon

This is what you see if you do not have a favicon

onlineRIGHT favicon

This is the favicon for this site

Why can I do?

If you are using a CMS (content management system) like WordPress the you could install a PlugIn and the fill in the details to where you have saved your FavIcon image. 

If your site is developed on another platform, they generally have a wizard or help articles to show you how to add a favicon. You could even drop me a line to see if I can help.

Here To Help!


46 Cormornat Rise,
Worcester, WR2 4BA


M-F: 9am – 5pm
S-S: Closed


M: 07769 924 885